I'm so energized I made curtains!

This last perk to eating right has been a wonderful bonus. I FINALLY made curtains for the living room by using what I learned on two exceptional home decorating blogs, House of Hepworths and Textile Love. Both women do a fabulous job of explaining how to make pinch pleat curtains. I started out making faux pinch pleats, but when I got to the faux part, I decided to actually sew the pleats. The pictures and captions on the latter site provided the intense visual directions I needed to finish the pleats. It was a LOT of work, but I had the time and now, the energy, and so they're complete.
During the last few weeks, it's felt great to fill up on nutritious meals and snacks. I probably can't tell you the details of the Weight Watchers plan, or a representative would have to relocate me and give me a new identity. But I can tell you that I have fruits and/or vegetables at every meal, only choose low fat or non-fat foods, eat a variety of whole grains, consider portion and serving sizes, and drink lots of water.

Bringing beauty to my waistline and my home seems to fall in place when I first dwell on the beauty of the Creator of the Universe.
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