I'm so energized I made curtains!

So, I've been on Weight Watchers for a little over three weeks now and I love how I feel. I can breathe while wearing buttoned pants and my undergarments don't cut off my circulation anymore. I'm eating three filling meals a day, having a snack, and an indulgence. My favorite indulgence is two tablespoons of peanut butter. Jif is responsible for my sanity during these last few weeks. I'm eating often, I'm full when the meal is finished, and I have so much energy!
This last perk to eating right has been a wonderful bonus. I FINALLY made curtains for the living room by using what I learned on two exceptional home decorating blogs, House of Hepworths and Textile Love. Both women do a fabulous job of explaining how to make pinch pleat curtains. I started out making faux pinch pleats, but when I got to the faux part, I decided to actually sew the pleats. The pictures and captions on the latter site provided the intense visual directions I needed to finish the pleats. It was a LOT of work, but I had the time and now, the energy, and so they're complete. 

During the last few weeks, it's felt great to fill up on nutritious meals and snacks. I probably can't tell you the details of the Weight Watchers plan, or a representative would have to relocate me and give me a new identity. But I can tell you that I have fruits and/or vegetables at every meal, only choose low fat or non-fat foods, eat a variety of whole grains, consider portion and serving sizes, and drink lots of water. 

I was reminded today in my bible study the real reason I'm doing this. It's not to boast about how I might look or feel, but rather that I have a responsibility to manage what God has given me. In this instance, my body is what's being considered and my ability to share how Jesus has changed my life is furthered when I have a healthy mind and body. 

Bringing beauty to my waistline and my home seems to fall in place when I first dwell on the beauty of the Creator of the Universe. 
