Clear: A Time Management App
I'm a very practical person, so I use technology when it assists me in my daily activities or to gather and share information. Setting priorities for who has your time and energy is one thing, bringing action to those events is another. That’s where my favorite app comes in. Clear is an app made by Realmac Software and is basically a glorified to-do list maker.
The app comes as a blank slate and you can make as many and whatever kinds of lists you want. I have a list for each day of the week, shopping, prayers, personal, and other miscellaneous things. At the beginning of the week I’ll jot down projects, phone calls and errands I plan to do each day that week, then add to the list during the week.
After making your lists you can then rearrange the order of the items in each list by holding and dragging. So, I'll make my shopping list and then move the food around so they are grouped by aisle or type, like dairy, produce, freezer, etc. Or after making a list for my day's activities, I'll order each item from morning to night. I love that I save paper and I always have my lists with me. You can swipe left to completely delete an item from the list or swipe right to show that you have taken care of that item.
I love that it keeps me focused and accountable, and I feel accomplished each time I swipe an item off my list. A neat feature included in the app is that when all the items on a list are checked off, an inspirational quote pops on the screen. So, I'll leave you with this thought:
For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. ~Proverbs 100:5
For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. ~Proverbs 100:5
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